Troop 226
Join Us


We are so glad your family is considering joining Troop 226! We believe you will find our troop to be a welcoming place and a God-honoring group of boys and adults.

If you are ready to apply for membership in our troop, this page will guide you through the process and provide the documents you need to get you and your son ready for participation in troop meetings, activities, and campouts.

Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have.

Tara Scroggins
Membership Coordinator

Family Registration

NTCHA Application & Statement of Faith

Troop 226 is chartered by the North Texas Christian Homeschool Association (NTCHA), and family membership in NTCHA is a prerequisite to join the troop. The first step in the membership process is the completion of the NTCHA Application & Statement of Faith, which is required for each participating youth or adult. Please provide one copy of the application per family, and one copy of the statement of faith for each parent/legal guardian. Mail payment and application to the address provided on the form.

NTCHA Annual Fee

The NTCHA dues are $25.00 per family.

Youth Registration

Facility Waiver

The facility waiver must be completed and turned in to the Membership Coordinator on the night of your first meeting. Scouts should submit this form in order to be on church property.

Youth Application

Two ways to apply:

  1. You can download this form and bring it to the next meeting with you. Please provide three copies.
  2. Or we can provide you with a paper copy of the official application form at the next meeting. The official application form is a triplicate carbon copy form, so you only need to complete one copy.

Medical Release Forms

Parts A & B are required to attend troop campouts and activities. Part C is required to attend summer camp. Please provide three copies of this form.

Health Insurance Card

This is required to attend troop campouts. Please provide three copies.

Immunization Exemption Request Form

To request a religious, philosophical, or medical exemption from all vaccinations and/or immunizations required by the BSA, use the BSA Immunization Exemption Request Form. Please provide three copies.

Medical Treatment Authorization Form

The Medical Treatment Authorization Form requires a notary seal. Please provide three copies.

Roster & Driver Information Form

Help us get to know you and your family. This information is used to create your TroopTrack account (see below). Please provide one copy.

TroopTrack Registration

Please submit this information form to request access to TroopTrack. As a boy-led troop, scouts will communicate directly with each other via email.This is how the troop communicates activities, events, and important announcements. Your son will need his own email address, although we do recommend parents keeping access to the account for safety reasons. 

PDF  |  Word


Get your scout uniform! Remember to ask us about the troop uniform and equipment bank.

Fund Your Scout Account

Troop policy requires that each family must maintain a positive balance in their scout account. Once your paperwork is complete, you can fund your scout account with the troop treasurer. An opening deposit of $100 is recommended, but additional funds will be required for summer camp.

Adult Registration

Adult Application

Three ways to apply:

  1. You can download this form and bring it to the next meeting with you. Please provide three copies.
  2. Or we can provide you with a paper copy of the official application form at the next meeting. The official application form is a triplicate carbon copy form, so you only need to complete one copy.
  3. Or you can sign up online! Just enter our zip code (75023), find us in the list, and click “apply now!”

Youth Protection Training

BSA is serious about safety, and every adult leader must complete the youth protection training course. Please provide three copies of your course completion certificate.

Medical Release Forms

Parts A & B are required to attend troop campouts and activities. Part C is required to attend summer camp. Please provide three copies of this form.

Health Insurance Card

This is required to attend troop campouts. Please provide three copies.

Immunization Exemption Request Form

To request a religious, philosophical, or medical exemption from all vaccinations and/or immunizations required by the BSA, use the BSA Immunization Exemption Request Form. Please provide three copies.

Troop Resource Survey

Use this form to let us know about your interests, and how you might be able to help the troop. Please provide one copy.

Merit Badge Counselor Worksheet

Please consider serving as a merit badge counselor. Your willingness to serve is crucial to helping the boys complete badges. Please see one of the adult volunteers for more information. When you have decided on merit badges to oversee, please provide two copies of this form.